Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Step Your Internet Game Up!!

For those who are inspiring to be successful in entertainment, rather it is being a rapper, producer, singer, model, actor or actress, the industry is in a time of change as social media technologies continue to grow and dominate society. Digital media and internet marketing is taking over and to become a presence in entertainment, you better be internet business savvy or you are going to get left in the dust. Not to say that live performances or CD/DVD sales aren't still important but entertainment is moving to what people are calling "The Digital Age" and it is growing bigger and faster everyday.

Let's think about this for a minute or two. Just about everybody is on Facebook and Twitter and both can become very addicting. Here are some interesting statistics that may amaze you:

- There are more than 400 million active Facebook users, more than 100 million access the site from their mobile device daily

- There are more than 106 million active Twitter users, Twitter users increase by 300k daily

I could not find statistics that indicated how many music or other entertainment pages are on Facebook or Twitter but I think it is a safe bet to say there are thousands maybe even millions.

My point for bring up these stats is if you are an artist or entertainer, having a page on Facebook or Twitter is the bare minimum because every artist has a Facebook and Twitter page. You have to do more than that to get noticed or to build an online following. To be successful in any business you have to think outside the box and come up with other strategies and ideas that other people are not doing until you come up with one that works.

There are other music websites and social media networks on the web such as Reverbnation, IndiebyChoice, MySpace and it is important to build a presence there but as an artist, model and etc... it is important for you to have your own website that you can direct fans and online traffic to. It is also important to have an analytics program, to locate your drivers and referring domains to help figure out your target demographics. It does not make sense to continue to market yourself to the masses if you do not know who your audience is. I hear inspiring artists say all the time that they know their target demographics and in reality they do not. For those who have fan pages on Facebook, look into Facebook insights as you manage your page. That will give you a start to figure out who is listening, looking at you and how much interaction you have.

Get people to talk about you online such as bloggers, twitter followers, facebook friends and build personal relationships with fans. I'm not talking about doing direct mail blast all the time. Make the time to write your new and old fans a personal note, message or email, make them feel as if you appreciate them supporting you. It helps build lifetime fans that will purchase your product.

To be successful in entertainment you cannot just think on a street or local level, think globally. As an independent or unsigned artist it is on you to market yourself, remember entertainment is a business. Yes, you have to lock down your local region to start getting recognized but with the correct internet marketing scheme, you can build fan bases in a matter of hours or days in other areas in the country or internationally through the world wide web.


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