Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who Says You Can't Follow Your Dreams?

As children everyone has been asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and we reply with wanting to be a doctor, lawyer, athlete, entertainer or whatever it is you want to be. As people get older, some tend to forget about that dream or lose focus while transitioning into adulthood with decisions that are made in everyday life.

Having grown up in the urban community, I tend to see this quite often. Many of us allow ourselves to get caught up into situations and make decisions that negatively impacts our future such as committing crime, dropping out of school, having unprotected sex and selling or getting hooked on drugs, which causes setbacks and bad judgements. Sometimes these situations are just a bump in the road to where you can dust yourself off, refocus and strive towards the dream you once had as a child, but many times it can lead unto a path of imprisonment, poverty or a struggle of survival.

So the question becomes how can you stay focused on your dream and goals? The first step is to never give up on your dream. I have heard so many people say, "I don't have time" or "It's hard when I got to put food on the table" or "It will never happen for me". What is happening is that you defeat yourself before you even try because of your negative thoughts. Who ever said it was going to be easy? Achieving your dreams most of the time will not happen over night and you have to constantly work at it. That means if you are in a situation to where you have to do a little at a time to get to where you want to be then do the little at a time. You're not in a race but you have to stay consistent as you are reaching towards your goals.

The second step is to not be afraid. Do not be afraid to take on new and different challenges and do not be afraid to fail. Remember that everyone and I mean everyone makes mistakes. It takes a mature person to admit to themselves that they have miscued or was completely wrong about a decision they have made. Every now and then you will fall or there will be a bump in the road but people that are successful get back up and find a way to overcome the odds. Just remember that a higher power works together with you and determines your destiny, but you have to put the work in to reach your dreams because it is not going to just fall into your lap.

Finally, be confident and proud of your achievements. Not to the point to where you boast or come across arrogant, but have some pride in what you have accomplished. Be enthusiastic about your progress and steps you have made. Negative people will always try to deter you from going after what you want to achieve or want to say, "You're not good enough" or "You don't have what it takes". Just remember that your path does not run through them, it runs through you and from the man up above, so you have nothing to prove to anybody but yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, then who else is going to believe in you? Keep positive people that are constantly uplifting you in your life.

So honestly ask yourself, "Where do you want to be within the next five years?" Plan to prepare and prepare to work your plan and remember dreams do come true.

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